TEDx Talk: The Most Dangerous Question On Earth
13 years ago

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Thank You

Thank you to everyone that commented and emailed me with ideas and support around this talk. Like you, I was inspired by the TED motto “Ideas Worth Spreading” and I put a lot of thought into how give the most I could in 18 minutes (I think I was a minute over).

Thank you also to everyone involved in putting the event together. It was extraordinary, and I am humbled and grateful to count myself among the contributors. – the organizers did a great job of attracting speakers and audience members on the front lines of evolving our cultural and financial memes.

Ok, Now It’s Your Turn!

I think it’s time we all step up and act more boldly – and one way to do this is to declare the future that you can see – and to answer the ‘most dangerous question’. If you were at all inspired to lead by this talk, then get out your iphone 4 or flip video camera and shoot a short 2-5 minute video ANSWERING the most dangerous question. Post the link in the comments below and I will embed your video right below mine on this page. Can you imagine a page full of people declaring the future? Pass this on to anyone who’s vision of the future you trust.

Watch These Answers and then Add Your Own!

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