The Secret About The Secret
14 years agoI just recorded a great interview with Bruce Muzik – who teaches about the Law Of Attraction – and I found that we agree on so many levels about the dangers and misconceptions of all the sloppy thinking out there about “The Law Of Attraction”. I wrote this in response to one of the questions that kept coming up over and over… “How do I make the Law Of Attraction really work for me?”
I’m Good At Attracting Some Things In My Life, But Others Continue To Elude Me… What Can I Do To Finally Attract Wealth And Abundance In My Life?
When it comes to the law of attraction, the difference between
creating the life you want (as if by magic) and just staring at a
vision board and having nothing change has to do with how you feel
inside your body as you imagine the future you want. When you think
of $150k, do you feel all jittery and hopeful? Excited? Does it feel
far off, imaginary, perfect, or like it belongs to someone else? If
so, then NOTHING you do about ‘the law of attraction’ is going to have
any effect on your actual situation. Try this: Think about something
that you have that you are in no danger of loosing… say a pillow,
watch, or pair of shoes. Now imagine having that thing (as you
actually do). How does your body feel? Dull? Bored? Still? No big
deal? If you want to start generating $150k in income, you have to
arrange your life so that you have those same dull feelings about the
$150k. The way the law of attraction REALLY works is that you create
certain things in the world as real (pillow, watch, shoes) and certain
things as a part of an imaginary future ($150k). The universe will
conspire with you to keep whats real real and whats imaginary
imaginary, based on how your body responds to those ideas. The degree
of specificity, etc. AINT GOT NOTHIN TO DO WIT IT. Your hopes and
dreams are DESIGNED to stay hopes and dreams. What’s real is DESIGNED
to stay real. If you want something to cross over from dream to real,
you’ve got to get bored with it, in essence. You have to relate to it
EXACTLY as you relate to what you already have. This is why gratitude
is such a powerful tool, because gratitude is an expression of how you
feel about something that already is… if you can authentically feel
grateful for what’s yet to be, then you are on your way to attracting
that thing into your life (and you are also on your way to being a
little bit crazy!)
How do you make something that’s not real for you feel more real? You
work at it in the real world. The more you work, the more reasonable
the $150k feels inside your body, the more ‘magical’ ways the universe
will help you attain that $150k. This is the origin of the expression
“God helps those who help themselves”.
They Say I Should Be Specific, But If Want To Make $150k, Then Am I Never Going To Have Abundance Because I’ve Put A Cap On What I Want?
I am not saying you will never have abundance. I am saying that
$150k will not feel like abundance once you earn it (because abundance
is infinite and 150K is not) Work on your abundance mindset AND work
at earning your $150k. The two have nothing to do with one another.
What Is The Difference Between What You Are Saying And All The Other L.O.T. Gurus Out There?
The main difference between what I have observed about the Law of
Attraction and the other ‘gurus’ say is that I believe that
EVERYTHING in your life as you experience it was created by you and
was subject to the law of attraction. Its not like you live your
normal life and then you attract certain remarkable things using some
secret. That’s simply not how it works. If it DID work that way,
there would be a lot more millionaires with flat bellies and loving
husbands in the world. The way it works is this: EVERYTHING, from
the extraordinary, to the mundane, to the disastrous… EVERYTHING in
your life, you ‘attracted’ using the very same Law Of Attraction that
you are trying to use to make your life better. You are already a
master of ‘the secret’ because you have created 100% of your reality
down to the last detail. Everything you perceive as real is real to
you, and everything you perceive as imaginary is imaginary to you.
Amazing! The thing to master now is your own ability to interact with
the world and question the things that are just on the edges of what
feels real to you and trust as real the things that are just at the
edges of possibility.
Facebook comments:
Love this, Bryan! Thank you for spelling this out for us – your explanation flicked a serious “on” switch in my brain.
Haha! I love it! Their ain’t no secret to the Secret…
If you keep this up Bryan you’re going to make a lot of enemies among the hope-mongers…
Attracting requires thought and action. You can think about having 150k coaching business, but you have to actually pick up the phone and connect with prospects to make it happen. Good job, you are obviously attracting amazing people and experiences, Bryan !
We as human beings are the connection between the physical world and the metaphysical world… and only we can transfer ideas from one into the other… (but it does require solid work in both!)
Sound and sensible. We are nothing less than infinitely creative beings; a sanguine thought that has me whistle and smile,
Hi Bryan!
Great article! It answered a lot of my questions around money and the law of attraction. It gave a sneak peek into what’s really happening…thanks for the insider’s secrets!
Hi Bryan.
I love your website and enjoy following your grand adventure! Inspiring as always.
🙂 Jade
Thanks, Jade!
So great to see your name pop up here!
Tell us more about this, Bryan. “The thing to master now is your own ability to interact with the world and question the things that are just on the edges of what feels real to you and trust as real the things that are just at the edges of possibility.”
And, I don’t feel dull about my pillow. I like my pillow. I don’t feel it’s mundane to have what I have. I like what I have. I’m not bored, though I may sometimes take it for granted. As a matter of fact, much of what I created in my life is because I just knew that’s what I wanted and I went for it, mater-of-factly. Without the hype, hope, day dreamyness that accompanies some of the things that do feel like my “someday” dreams.
Thanks for the matter-of-fact you lay it all out for us. 🙂
Its great to like what you have!
I describe the feeling as dull only in comparison to the manic craziness that people experience when trying to hope $1,000,000 into existence. For me (and it sounds like for you too) my life is filled with pleasant appreciation and kind of a meta experience of fascination and wonder… even at the really bad stuff. Its such a cool ride we’re on. And it isn’t a fairy tale where there are clear good guys, bad guys, and happy endings. By the way, I like my pillow too, but I wouldn’t pay to go to a seminar about how to learn about how to have more of an experience of it!
To tell you more… there are some things in life that are real. Others are imaginary. All the ‘magic’ happens in the gray area between. The thing to master is to challenge the things that seem ‘mostly’ real and realize that they are in fact imaginary. You made them up, and then found evidence that your made up story is true. This goes for what you think about yourself, what you think is possible for you, what you think other people think about you, etc. Then, challenge the imaginary things (like your goals, ambitions, the best and most extraordinary things about others) to take on the same sense of real-ness that coats the ‘mostly’ real things in your life. Work on effectively blurring that line, and you will find yourself living in a more plastic and bendable reality… until one day it will be difficult for you to describe anything as real beyond the fact of your own existence.
Emotions are the “go” power of manifesting for me, because I experience the feelings as if I am already experiencing my goal or dream. I paint the picture of what I want with warm, positive feelings–joy, affection, excitement, exhilaration,mastery, peace,or satisfaction. As you said, the key is “as if I am already experiencing it.”
I found frequency of visualizIng and intensity of my emotions can increase the speed of manifesting. Once I obsessively and passionately visualized having a Tibetan rug with exactly the same colors as my designer bed set I had just bought. After one week of seeing that rug repearedly in my mind, a client walked in my front door with a Tibetan rug with the matching colors I had been visualizing. It was a surprise gift to me from his trip to Tibet.
I also found a DECISION with clarity and conviction, results in a manifestion, within hours all the way up to 9 months, without doing anything more than deciding. One example was when I was offered and accepted 3 designer jackets an hour after I saw a hole in my sweater and decided I needed more clothes. A second example is the time I decided to visit Japan to see where my parents grew up, even though I didn’t have the means to get there. Although I didn’t mention it to anyone, in 9 months I was given a first class trip to Japan with a bank account to use while I was there.
I found the things I manifested–boyfriends, cars, cash, jewelry, clothes, jobs, didn’t make me happy. So I stopped consciously using the law of attraction to manifest things over 10 years ago. How does one manifest happiness?
Limits established by our family as to what is allowable in terms of happiness, health, wealth, and success is another conversation, but profoundly related to how one uses the law of attraction. Getting long here, so…
Glad you tickled my brain and triggered these thoughts. Much food for thought. Thanks, Brian! PS. Wasn’t planning on writing so much! It just poured out of me.
Would love to hear from others about consciously manifesting. We could learn a lot from each other!
Hi Bryan… know this article really hit home with me because I have been “toying” with this idea myself for some time but as it goes against pretty much everything else out there I kind of lost confidence with it.
The last couple of years have been really interesting up until 1 year ago… I had in the space of 3 years multiplied my income x10 and had “attracted” a brand new Porsche 911 …… I have since (in the lastyear) almost lost everything) though am now starting to pick myself back up again and quickly.
When I gave a full and frank analysis…. I now realise that it was when my visualisations etc were centred in a feeling of “mundanity” that I attracted tghe income cars and homes etc….Whooooo Hooooo . many many thanks for helping wit this article re-establish my confidence in following my own intuition.
Legend !
Nice choice in cars! (I drive a 911 Turbo-S Convertible)
Hi Bryan, this is an interesting article but I must admitt I’ve read so many other articles that were similar, written as though any of this “stuff” actually did anything other than give someone hope for a little while, when the truth is that only the person writting the article or publishing the book has had any real benefit or gain from any of this in the “real” world where we all exist. Were being asked to beleive in something that would require having die’d, retrieved the verification of this “secret” from it’s creator, and come back from the dead with proof. I say this not with angry critisism, but with frustration for an annoying so-called-phenomonin that keeps popping up time after time giving people hope, myself included and resulting in little more than some “pollyanna” thinking and wasting time. I challenge you to prove this to be different and that it could benefit someone other than yourself or the next “Author” with an Idea or Gimmick for proffit.
I share your frustration with “pollyanna” thinking and those that would profit by telling people they can magically manifest money without doing anything in the real world to create value. Mountains of evidence make it clear that this is not true. In the article, I mention this very idea, but I’ll repeat it here:
“How do you make something that’s not real for you feel more real? You work at it in the real world.”
While I haven’t died (when its time I think that’s going to be an amazing experience), I have seen again and again a phenomena that can only be explained by the fact that each of us live in an entirely subjective universe governed only by what we believe about it. I find myself in groups of people, all presented with the same situation (a board meeting, a mastermind group, people at a party or concert, etc.) and without fail, each person in the group experiences the situation as a confirmation of what they believe about themselves and the world. Very rare… often less than once per year… do people actually observe the world they exist inside of and allow it to inform their beliefs. The rest of the time, what you believe is real defines what is real.
I’ve talked to people practically drowning in financial opportunity tell me that “there are no opportunities out there”
I’ve talked to people with dozens of loving friends tell me that “I am alone and no one cares about me”
I’ve had people with hundreds of thousands of dollars in their savings accounts tell me “I have no money”
I’ve talked to men who are surrounded by attractive women hoping that he will ask them out on a date tell me “I’m no good with women – they don’t like me”.
They simply can not see the world that exists outside of their reality. This is “how” the secret works. The secret is, the world is far more vast then any of us can comprehend so we only comprehend a small part of it – specifically the part that seems to fit into our already existing sense of what it is.
As a specific example, You say that “only the person writing the article or publishing the book has had any real benefit or gain from any of this in the “real” world where we all exist.” I personally now hundreds of people that have benefited from exactly this kind of writing to the tune of thousands, tens of thousands, and even hundreds of thousands of dollars. They walk among you, but you cannot see them – because your made-up “real” world where you exist can not be populated by them. You would have to change what’s real for you to even know you’ve met them. And once you do, there they will be, in the flesh and undeniable. Everything about the life you want is right there too – within your reach – but beyond your ability to see it. Once you experience the truth of it, it is utterly undeniable – which is why authors want to write about it.
Changing your reality from the inside is a arduous process that takes years to accomplish and decades to master. My invitation is that you begin now.
Hey Bryan,
Thanks for sharing this. It’s been a while since I’ve really thought about the fact that I did create everything I have, the good & the bad. It’s refreshing to remember we’re all already good at the law of attraction.
I’m not 100% clear on the making dreams boring part… can you please elaborate? Is it just a simple as acting ‘as if’…
Well, yes and no.
It is as simple as just acting “as-if”.
But acting “as-if” can be very challenging. Don’t believe me? Get into your car and try to drive into the garage with the garage door closed acting “as-if” the garage door isn’t there.
Right before impact, you are going to be flinching like crazy. In this test, you will have failed to act “as-if”.
This is why I recommend starting with things that are on the fringes of what’s real for you. If you are charging $800/mo for work with clients. In your reality you might think you are worth that but not worth $1000. Act “As-If” you are worth $1000/mo. When it comes time to tell your next prospect what it costs, see what happens. Act “As-If” there are people that are waiting to find out how to send more clients your way. See what happens.
So yes. Act “As-If”. Start small, expand the range of what you create this way in very slight concentric circles, ever expanding until you can no longer deny that you have created everything you experience and can create any experience you can imagine.
i totally agree! he he. truly knowing the law of attraction has literally changed my life. it has made me pissed off at times, because i know that I….and only I….create what i see in my life. and yes bryan you are right! it’s all about feeling. period. end of discussion. and feelings can change. and we can change them.
in regards to money, yes…in order to get the flow going… gotta let it flow!!!!!!!!!! if anyone is interested in allowing more abundance, here is a tool that i thought up myself, that i bet other people use as well. bc it’s just so easy.
1. make a list with every day on it, from now until the next 30 days. don’t use a calendar, because you lose some of the ritual. and i believe deeply, in creating rituals that lead to positive outcomes.
2. every single day, account for the money you are BRINGING IN. if you ain’t got nothin comin in…if you find a darn penny on the ground. write it down!
3. keep track–every day–of the money coming in. that’s it. oh…and you have to FEEL GOOD when you are writing it down. make it fun. like monopoly money. be a kid again!
by focusing on what IS coming in as opposed to what is going out (i.e. bills, rent, mortgage, bla bla bla) you open a crevice for the universe to deliver more. and you begin to feel better. and when you feel better, you get more of what you are focusing on. in this case, money coming IN. my hubby and i use this tool all the time. and it is truly remarkable the extra money we begin to see just pouring in. could be an extra $50, could be an extra $600, could be a pretty wreath someone bought us and left on our front step. could be a raise. i mean the stories are priceless. 😀 bc in the end, numbers are just numbers. and they have no meaning.
it’s all about FLOW.
thanks for opening this discussion up bryan!
your avatar
Hi Bryan – thanks for posting this. I have found that the secret to the secret is that I ‘feel’ the feelings I would have right now when I get the thing I want. I have been manifesting clients and have created a piece of paper with a photo that embodies the feeling I will have when they come. And they came – three within one week. I asked for three clients in Dec. I took action on my part.
Here’s an easy thing I did that you all can do right now.
I created a Word document. I found a photo on istockphoto that represented the FEELING or intention you want to create. Mine was a picture of one hundred dollar bills.
Then I wrote under the photo – Woo Hoo I did it!
I attracted three new individual clients @ $____.
I attracted a full class of 8 people to my class Doing The Work on Your Business (Work of Byron Katie). I am in the process of manifesting this and have filled a few spaces.
I add extraordinary value to my client’s life and business and they in turn are so happy to refer me to new clients.
I have an abundance consciousness that radiates out to all those around me.
I inspire my client’s to live up to their potential and create successful online businesses.
So you all try it and keep the language positive and FEEL the feeling as if it’s already happening right now.
Look at this everyday or open it on your computer screen so you see it. Feel the feelings when you look at it.
Thanks for writing about this Bryan. It’s my first time visiting your site.
Hi Bryan. I always thought that the Law of Attraction was basically a New Age crock but it does contain the seeds of spiritual truth.
I say that because I was a New Age seeker for twenty years and what I found was many people living in a heavenly world without having their feet planted firmly to the ground.
I find the same dynamics happening in enough of the Christian world that I now occupy to indicate there’s room there for some lives to be transformed amidst my talents flourishing. (There’s much more to this formula for me but I don’t want to cloud this forum with a spiritual discussion)
I’m targeting that world with my own brand of many years of hard won earthly wisdom backed by spiritual truth.
As you so aptly point out, one of the keys to having the kind of life you desire is having an attitude of gratitude. And that includes gratitude for everything, not just the good stuff that comes our way.
For me it’s adopting an attitude of not only gratitude, but “extraordinariness.” It’s very similar to what Mark, above, calls “mundanity.”
Practicing extraordinariness allows me to relate to and respect the humanness in everyone while simultaneously honoring and offering the special, unique gifts that I possess.
It’s my being able to welcome the blessings of the many tests that God throws my way. Within and just behind the veil of the perceived “negativity” of the tests are the gifts that will really accelerate my extraordinariness and make me successful, regardless of the money in the bank, the private jet or any other trappings of society’s measure of success.
True gratitude for what life throws them is embodied in the way that many successful business people have failed, many times, before they wake up one day and recognize that they have become successful.
I see them as having embraced the “failures” as blessings in disguise. That deepened their gratitude for (1) Having been given the gift of life, health, and a functioning mind (2) Merely having the opportunity to do something that probably 80% of the world will never have the opportunity to experience and (3) Whatever they end up with that resembles either “success” or “failure” is all part of the process and that’s cause for daily celebration.
You nailed it with “you work at it in the real world.” And I like your…”Very rare… often less than once per year… do people actually observe the world they exist inside of and allow it to inform their beliefs.”
The world I was living in was informing my beliefs about “I would never be successful in a relationship because of my past history.”
As I slowly woke up to how limited my relationship beliefs were, only then was I able to allow a woman who far exceeded my expectations into my world.
This makes me think that I was ready for her all along but I just had to let my limited thinking catch up with my accelerating consciousness.
Thanks for who you are and what you offer to the rest of us…
Bert Botta
Bryan, what you say is intelligent and in hindsight of course it all makes so much sense. For me it is a few more pieces in the puzzle rather than the pot of gold itself. At 66 I am starting again but this time I have developed enough experience of life to be able to see through the false hopes generated by those who promise instant riches from the law of abundance, etc.
During serious burnout I lost my own group of companies. Even though it took 30 years; it was my progressivelw zrong thinking that lead to the inevitable and the massive stress that I endured. Burnout was just one of the consequences or that outdated thinking. As soon as I was able I did everything I could to build a new business. For almost 10 years nothing worked. I used every business strategy I knew yet none of it worked anymore. I tried changing my thinking strategies and where I lived. I made every effort to cli,b out of ,w co,fort yones and burn my boats behind me so I could not slide back. I have been struggling to move forward and find a new purpose. I learnt to believe in myself again. I learnt to let go of resistqnce qnd struggle, I learnt to let my super intelligence guide me because my conscious creative thinking could only produce old redundant failure ideas. My resistance to the success I am hoping for is undoubtedly because I have not yet opened my eyes or changed my thinking sufficiently to see the treasure I have within me, atleast so I am told. Based on my experience and my success over 30 years of business I can certainly confirm all you say about that dull boring feeling of success. People would say to me, ‘you must be so excited with winning or achieving that….. Frankly, I had difficulty feeling anything. Any excitement was at the begging not at the end. I was already occupied and working up an excitement with something else that I intended to be a future success.
Your comment on hopes and dreams is interesting. Yes few people recognise the difference from hopes and dreams they choose to keep as hopes and dreams. Then there is reality. Reality is dull because I have already been there; done that. Surely the only difference is what or which hopes and dreams do we believe can become reality. I have done a lot of work on finding who I am and what is my purpose for being here now or what I can offer to the world. I have no doubt I am the master of my game. My inner God will only help me when I start helping myself start thinking the right way. Oh yes, I certainly agree with that. Therefore I feel that in all the laws of the universe there is great wisdom and that is all. I and all the people like me have to do the work. Believing in a bunch of laws of the universe is not going to wave a magic wand manifesting unachievable hopes and dreams that deep down we do not believe in. Changing our beliefs alone is not going to fix that until we learn to find what we have already got that some one else out there wants. Following that there is a lot of work to do before the real success. As you rightly said in your tele conference; when we find our purpose; work becomes a pleasure because we have finally aligned ourselves with our authentic purpose.
You say; “You have to relate to it
EXACTLY as you relate to what you already have.” Oh yes, You, Bruce and all the great success stories all boil down to relating to what you/they already had but had not recognise before or was perhaps not fully formed. I feel none of us can do that until we change sufficiently the way we think to see, accept and honour a unique identity, authenticity, and sense of purpose. The big daddy of all questions is of course how and when do we do that. Despite all the amazing possibilities of the Secret I have no illusions that only when one puts down resistant belief systems and redundant struggle attitudes or habitual behaviours; will any of us see the light, which is what I read you are saying between the lines.
In About Rryan you say; “I am dedicated to you actually getting what you want. I can’t help it.” Is this the ultimate description of achieving authenticity: ‘When we cannot help doing what we like doing.’
Thank you for your thoughts and honest wisdom, taking me perhaps a little closer to my own reality and reality dreams.
Best wishes
Thanks Bryan! This thread compliments my experience profoundly. I have been noticing that even through my, let’s say narrow, point of view of the world, I am noticing that to get from here to ‘there’ is requiring not believing that it feels any different than now, here. I would still feel like me, but thinking of all of the choices I would make differently had I ‘made it’, actually puts the ‘making it’ somewhere else, beyond the here now. That effectively has kept me where I am (roughly speaking.) Lately, however, as I focus my attention on a significant life changing goal, I’m finding that the blending of me now with me then(future) is getting easier. It’s getting easier as I get clearer with the goal. That clarity/conviction has also seemed to spark up my powers of manifestation. Without going into detail, let me just say it has been poignant.
Thanks for helping articulate my experience.
So nice to see you here in the comments. I wish you the very best! Glad the post helped you reflect on your experience.
Hi Bryan,
I put into action what you are describing only in a slightly different way. I would not use the word “dull” because it’s too close to taking something for granted. I use the words comfort and ease in all I already have and all I know is mine by right of consciousness – namely right partnering for me personally and professionally. I feel it’s already here and feel grateful for it. It’s a done deal. Now I move on into greater good within it to enjoy the comfort even more.
Manifestion happens for the good of all involved in divine right action and divine right order for the greatest good. Everything has already been created. You open the way through your consciousness. Spirit works through you and as you. You don’t actually create anything. Spirit manifests by means of people, places and things. Your creation is actually your acceptance of what is already in existence. That’s how I see my life, and it unfolds accordingly in greater ways.
This philosophy is more greatly expressed in “Science of Mind” by Ernest Holmes who founded Religious Science.
Hi Bryan, I appreciate your having taught us the DS +1 timeline process. My body was able to begin to feel relaxed and expansive enough to experience safety with the success I am now creating.
I feel that the tone necessary to ground a vision is, in my words, “matter of fact”.
If there is “glee” I feel I am getting away with something I haven’t earned and my integrity will find a way to lose it.
If the feeling is one of hope, it is an expression of doubt that I can produce it.
I now believe and feel confident that I can co-create anything that I truly believe is G-d for me and the universe.
I am rapidly filling my calendar with exploratory conversations and I acquired 2 new clients this week.
It took my system a little while to catch up with all the change work we did….
but now I have found my new identity and am enjoying having people approach me unsolicited and asking to work with me:) I am so grateful to have given myself the gift of working with you this year!
Bryan – I am seeing more and more after listening to the Bruce’s interview with you that this is so much of an “inner game” thing. I get it yet at the same time I am not getting it. Makes total sense rationally yet there are “wires crossed” somewhere somehow that is preventing the manifestation of more wealth and abundance in my life. I am looking for something to do yet what I hear you saying it is more in the “be-ing” that allows it to change…
What am I missing? I assume you will cover all this in the course next year? 🙂
this post is very usefull thx!
nice post. thanks.
Do you people have a facebook fan page? I looked for one on twitter but could not discover one, I would really like to become a fan!
Yes I do – thanks for asking!
Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.
– Daniel
Avec plaisir
pretty helpful material, overall I consider this is well worth a bookmark, thanks
“The way it works is this: EVERYTHING, from
the extraordinary, to the mundane, to the disastrous… EVERYTHING in your life, you ‘attracted’ using the very same Law Of Attraction that you are trying to use to make your life better. You are already a master of ‘the secret’ because you have created 100% of your reality down to the last detail.”
From personal experience it’s hard for me not to believe we have a great deal more than we often admit with regard to creating our own realities. However, what troubles me deeply about so many Law of Attraction gurus and pondits is there is no consideration to what some critics have called “the Auschwitz Test.” What does this mean, you might ask? It means that if you claim that EVERYTHING is created by us — including the disastrous, as you state — then genocide, torture and the countless injustices inflicted upon people every day need to be addressed. Or perhaps the answer is that those poor bastards in Darfur don’t know they’re actually causing all their own problems???
[…] envisioning is only half of the formula to manifesting your desires. The other half is action. Bryan Franklin and Maren Kate have covered how to put action behind your desires. Ok, not this kind of vacuum. […]