Three Types Of Earners (Which Are You?)
14 years ago

My friend Jonathan Fields ( is a writer, blogger, and all around knowledge-dropper, so when he asked me to talk to his tribe and give them the best 90 minutes I could on what it means to be a successful entrepreneur, I knew I was in for a treat. I suggested we talk about The Three Types Of Earners. We’ve got a lot of great feedback in the social media world with people saying things like “thank you, you blew my mind!” and “where have you two been? I felt like you were talking directly to me!”. (see the bottom of this post for more)

There were some things that were surprising about this call. First off, we had to get more lines because there were over 730 people registered – which felt really good. But what really amazed both Jonathan and I is that an hour into the call, less than 2% of the listeners had dropped off. That NEVER happens. I think it was so engaging because Jonathan and I have a really good rapport with each other and we just spoke naturally to each other about things that are important to us. Go ahead and listen and tell me what you think by commenting here!



And listen all the way to the end, because there’s a woman that asked a really good question in the Q+A – one of those “Oh I’m so glad you brought that up” kind of moments. If you like what you hear, let me know by sharing this post on facebook and using the ‘retweet’ button above!

The Three Types Of Earners

After working with 100s of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world (some of them billionaires) I’ve found there are three types of earners. The first have bought the lie that they can sacrifice their life to their work or their business, earn a lot of money, and then use that money to buy their life back later. The sad part is that many of them never reach the finish line – and those few that do have become so accustomed to sacrifice that they no longer know how to make themselves happy.

The second group decided not to sacrifice anything – but don’t have the skills and discipline to take control of their financial situation. They end up trying to justify their struggle by pretending that choosing a path of meaning means being poor.

The third group is truly free, and they have one thing in common – which is that they follow a certain pattern, a formula.

Jonathan and I give you the details of that formula in the recording above. And how to make it work for you. We’ll shed light on a few other things, like why you’ve gotten so close to what you want before and seem to have a pattern of self-sabotage at the crucial moments. Or, why you frequently don’t do the things you know damn well you need to do in order to have what you want (btw, its not what you think). You’ll also discover something essential, how to work with passion REGARDLESS of what you are doing. Enjoy!

Some tweets about the call:

@EvangelistaLA “Hey you! loved the call last night :)”

@MaryLouisePenaz “My husband and I listened in last night. You have a gift and thank you for sharing it with others. Hoping to work with you.”

@mjjuilland “Great call tonight!”

@rob_mod “Great chat you guys! I enjoyed listening in very much”

@Satan_Mormin “was a great call, took tons of notes!”

@Brandon101 “the discussion on purpose was so dead on, it made me tingle. Incredibly well articulated!”

@ClaireAShannon “Thank you for the teleseminar! I tuned in on Skype in Oz. It was great to hear the part about being present!”

@andreaskopp “Great talk. It was really inspiring to listen to you and jonathan.”

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