Life Is A Game Of Inches
14 years agoA five-minute reminder to be real, understand the odds, and go for it anyway.
Some of you know this clip quite well! I’m reminded of it every time I interact with someone who is gripping on the the hope of a big win, while letting the “inches that are all around us” slip by.
A great reminder for me. I ‘hope’ it is for you too.
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Working with Bryan is like striking gold.”
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–Eric R., Real Estate Investment Advisor
Most amazing and inspiring part of a movie I’ve ever seen.
So funny, I gave a talk on using storytelling in business today and when I was prepping thought of this scene. So moving. You came up in my presentation and I’m proud to have learned so much of what I know and how I think and live my life from you. I am very grateful. Good luck with this new site, my dear friend.