For Executives
The CEOs and VPs working with Bryan consider him to be a secret weapon. There isn’t a more effective, high impact, low visibility way to multiply executive bandwidth than engaging Bryan around your highest value opportunities and problems.
For Real Or Not At All
Bryan’s work focuses on the precious landscape between thought and action, between words and meaning, and between intention and manifestation. Many executives are able to articulate picture perfect leadership concepts and sound business, product and sales strategy. The performance gap between good executives and extraordinary ones consists of the ability to put these ideas into existence in the real world. The difference between the most profound experiences and the most trite is measured by the size of this performance gap. Too often, executives (and their coaches) end up operating ‘in language only’ – saying all the right words, but missing the underlying meaning by a mile. Bryan measures himself and those around him by the actual impact being created – on the teams he works with and on the marketplaces they play in.
Hierarchy Of Collaborative Practices
The basis of productive collaboration, and of any individual’s ability to create change in the world, is master of these five areas. Like Maslow’s hirearchy of needs, each practice builds on the one above. Higher order (later in the list) practices are useless and even destructive without a solid foundation of lower order (earlier in the list) practices:
Being Present
Being Accountable
Being Clear
Being Powerful
Being Sustainable
Bryan works with talented people to transform their ability to exude these practices and inspire them in others. His experience shows that a solid foundation in the collaborative practices trumps any study of leadership style or personality type-based effort – and each executive is able to cultivate their own incredibly effective personal style when built on this framework.
Transform The Leader: Transform The Business
It’s well known that as a company reaches its goals, it outgrows systems and infrastructure. What got you to 10 million in sales can’t get you to 100 million. The systems that a billion dollar company requires to function would suffocate most business at the 100 million mark. The same is true of its executives. There are fundamental changes that every leader must make within themselves to meet the changing demands of a growing company. Most never make these changes and their career and company can suffer as a result. Bryan specializes in seeing what’s just over the horizon for you as a leader and giving you the experiences you need to retrain yourself to expand with each greater challenge.
Senior executives at companies with revenue of several million to several billion say this:
“Bryan has an uncanny ability to get to the heart of the matter.”
“Powerful. Effective. Surprising. Results-oriented.”
“He’s like Tiger Woods’ swing coach for VPs…”
“Our results have been extraordinary and we couldn’t have done it without Bryan.”
“All it took is one meeting with Bryan to realize that things are really going to change around here.”
(25+ more complete references on Bryan Franklin’s LinkedIn Profile)
Talk To Bryan About What’s Most Important To You
Though he never requires a contract longer than a month, Bryan’s clients tend to work with him continuously for 5 years or more, because the quality of a conversation with Bryan about an critical area of your business always yields valuable new insight, pivotal leadership capabilities, and most importantly, new actions and results.
If any part of you is curious what could be accomplished with the guidance of some one who’s led more than 1,000 executive staff meetings and strategic offsites for some of the most results-driven companies in the Silicon Valley, then contact us to schedule an evaluation call.
Do you want your executive team to perform at its absolute best?
“The results of our work with Bryan has been nothing short of amazing. Our business has tripled over the last several years, and I attribute much of our success to the wisdom and insight gained through Bryan’s coaching. I would HIGHLY recommend working with Bryan to anyone looking to grow their business, improve communications and relationships, or strategize the course of your business, or financial and personal life.”
–Nick T., CEO -
“As many know, I am very reluctant to give out recommendations on websites, but I have been blown away with the quality of work that he has provided and I count Bryan as one of a handful of mentors i look to for guidance in my life. I would highly recommend Bryan as a coach, project manager or executive.”
–Michael G., Senior Director -
“Bryan’s greatest strength is his ability to view complex situations holistically and help others do the same. Beyond that, Bryan’s coaching helped me move concretely from effective planning into first rate execution. I highly recommend him.”
–Chris B., Founder and GM -
“Bryan is an unusually gifted coach. He helps one access past belief systems that can often block our way to success. I highly recommend his work.”
–Kim B.W.., President & CEO -
“Bryan is a great executive coach. Working with Bryan enabled me to quickly identify opportunities where I could be more effective and put specific action plans in place. Bryan also helped me with strategies to improve communication with my peers and increase the overall effectiveness of our team. I think of Bryan as the Sales VP’s equivalent of Tiger Woods swing coach!”
–Duke L., Executive VP Sales -
Hiring Bryan to help with the growth of our company has easily been the best decision we have made in the last five years. From the very first meeting his insight and direct and appropriate feedback provided immediate results. Working with Bryan is like striking gold.”
–RC, Entreprenuer -
“I have used the California Leadership center on several occasions, and can highly recommend their work. They take a unique approach to determining clients needs and tayloring a program to fit. High integrity, honesty, character and results are what they deliver. I can give The California Leadership center my highest recommendation, and would not hesitate to hire them again”
–Mark E., Director of Sales -
“Bryan was hired as a management/leadership coach by my past two employers (CoWare, Jasper). I learnt a lot from him during this time about leadership and his coaching was very helpful for me to be a more effective executive. His coaching style is focused, honest and result oriented, resolving existing (real) difficult issues with continuous evaluation of results along the way. I highly recommend him not only as a coach for executive staff and managers but also for key individual contributors who aspire to be more effective leaders.”
–Mark A, VP of Marketing -
“Bryan was hired as a management/leadership coach by my past two employers (CoWare, Jasper). I learnt a lot from him during this time about leadership and his coaching was very helpful for me to be a more effective executive. His coaching style is focused, honest and result oriented, resolving existing (real) difficult issues with continuous evaluation of results along the way. I highly recommend him not only as a coach for executive staff and managers but also for key individual contributors who aspire to be more effective leaders.”
–Nafees Q., Senior Engineering Executive -
“Bryan and his partners provided services ranging from program management, training on engineering schedule management, teambuilding and executive coaching and in all areas the services were high quality and effective”
–Penny H., President & CEO -
“Bryan is an incredibly intelligent, talented, and creative executive/team coach with an uncanny ability to diagnose issues and rapidly eradicate them.”
–Kathryn K., President & CEO -
“Bryan has amazing insights into people, their interactions and consequently the business problems they face. Along with his impressive listening skills and extensive patience, his ability to communicate, using simple models, changes the way people look at the situation they are in & absolutely changes their behavior. The harder the problem, the more vital Bryan is to being part of any company or person’s solution.”
–Richard G., Executive VP Sales -
“Bryan was my corporate coach for years — the only corporate coach I’ve had that truly took the time to get to know me, providing personalized advice that helped me apply my personality and style to acheiving excellent outcomes in my professional endeavors. Without exception, in each and every meeting he had deep insights into my own inner workings that I was not even aware of, taught me tools and techniques to help me recognize and overcome my own shortcomings, and inspired me to be my best.”
–Ethan O., Executive Vice President -
“Bryan has a very balanced background that allows him to operate very effectively with a wide variety of people. I worked with him closely on redefining the strategic direction of CoWare when a CEO transition was taking place. He helped facilitate a company wide workshop that began the process of change for our company. He continued to follow up with us afterwards and provided excellent coaching as we moved in our planned direction. Integrity, trust, and competence are traits that I seek out in people and Bryan exudes all of the above.”
–Tim H., Director of Sales -
“Bryan worked with our firm as a business consultant during a time of great change within the company. With his assistance we were able to expand both our professional service offerings and office locations, diversifying to a degree where the impact of the current economic downturn was lessened. His direct advice with me has also been of significant benefit to both my professional and personal growth.”
–Jim B., Executive